Our goal is that everyone connected with Lycoming Centre would be in a healthy small group. Small groups are key to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to God. The beauty of small groups is that they can happen at any time and any place. There are three core values for our small groups: People, Bible & Mission. We believe these values will help develop strong disciples of Jesus.
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Check Out Our 2024 Winter Session Small Groups:
Small Group Sessions
Fall Session 2024 Sept 1 – Nov 17 (12 weeks) |
Winter Session 2025 Jan 5 – Mar 9 (10 weeks) |
Spring Session 2025 April 13 – June 15 (10 weeks) |
For questions or assistance, please email our Small Group Coordinator Connie Vitolins at cvitolin@pct.edu
There is a small group that is just right for you!

YOU can start a small group!
You don’t have to have all the answers and you don’t have to be a theological expert. All you need is: commitment to Christ, love for people, willingness to learn and grow, and a few friends!
Commitment to Christ
This is the most important part of starting a small group. The whole goal of a small group is to love, know and serve Jesus more! Developing your relationship with Jesus and helping others do the same is essential.
Love for People
Loving the members of your group is crucial. Sharing your lives together and caring for one another creates the type of environment we desire for every small group.
Willingness to Learn and Grow
You will experience various challenges and changes within your group. Choosing an attitude of humility and seeking new ways to learn and lead your group is critical to your small group’s success. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone! We will help equip and train you.
Recruiting Friends
Do you have two friends? That’s all you need to start! Three people is a great starting point for a small group. If you have more people interested in your group, even better!
Click the button below if you are interested in starting a small group! We want to connect with you and equip you.
Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Small Groups.
If you have further questions, contact our Small Group Coordinator Connie Vitolins at cvitolin@pct.edu
What is a Small Group?
A Small Group is typically made up of 3-16 people who meet weekly to share, study and support one another. A trained leader and host lead each group. An average meeting lasts for an hour and a half.
How important are Small Groups?
Small Groups are the hub of our ministry. They’re the place where the real ministry of the church takes place as we study God’s Word while supporting and sharing our lives with one another. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is time well spent. Our goal each year is to have at least 80% of our adults involved on a weekly basis.
When and where do they meet?
Our Small Groups meet on various days and nights of the week in homes (sometimes at the church) throughout the greater Williamsport area. Meeting times vary depending on the needs of the group.
How long do they last?
Each Small Group session lasts 9 to 12 weeks. We have Fall, Winter & Spring sessions. At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, leading a group or even taking a break. Most Small Groups do not meet July through August.
What is the required commitment?
Joining a Small Group requires a 9 to 12 week commitment to attend weekly meetings and do the homework (if applicable) ahead of time. Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts and other special events, but not much more. This commitment is the key to a strong Small Group. You have the first three weeks to attend the group to decide if the group is a good fit for you.
What does it cost?
The cost of Small Groups is the cost of commitment. When you join a Small Group, you’re promising to attend and be prepared each week. It’s this commitment that makes Small Groups work. We realize it’s a big commitment, but it only lasts for 9 – 12 weeks.
What about child care?
Each Small Group decides what child care option is best for their group. Here is a list of options a Small Group may choose to do:
1. Each family makes arrangements for their own childcare needs.
2. The group may decide to go in together and hire a babysitter that will come to the house where the meeting is or to another house nearby. Payment is split between the entire group or between only those bringing children.
3. The group may decide to take turns watching the children in another room of the house or in another house nearby.
4. The group may be able to work out a co-op relationship with another group that meets on another night.
How do I choose a group?
When selecting a group, we strongly recommend you choose a group based on its leader and host and the type of group that will best help you grow in your current season in life, rather than its location. Most groups do best when members share a common interest with their leaders, hosts and other group members. In the end, you’ll find it’s worth the drive!
If you have any questions (especially if you are new to Lycoming Centre), please don’t hesitate to call the church, and we will gladly assist you. Keep in mind that it might take two or three groups before you find the perfect fit, but don’t worry, you’ll find it!
How do I sign up for a Small Group?
Sign up for a Small Group online. There is a sign up button where our Small Group descriptions are located. There are usually three sign-up weekends before the beginning of our Fall Session in September, our Winter Session in January and our Spring Session in April.
Jesus modeled His ministry through creating a small group of twelve disciples who were relationally connected (People), structured on His teaching (Bible) and participating in His ministry (Mission). We seek to follow this model in how we do small groups.
We desire everyone connected at Lycoming Centre to be participating in a small group. The main goal of every small group is to help people become disciples who make disciples. Regardless of the type of group, we require every small group to focus on our three core values of a small group: People, Bible & Mission.

Every small group is: Relationship Centered. We expect our small groups to develop meaningful, authentic, gospel-focused communities where each member feels known and needed.

Every small group is: Scripturally Structured. We expect our small groups to be learning from, discussing and applying God’s Word. The level and type of study from the Bible will vary from group to group but must be central to every small group.

Every small group is: Evangelistically Purposed. We expect our small groups to carry out the Great Commission to the greater Williamsport area and beyond. Jesus came with a purpose and a mission and He has imparted His same mission to His Church.