Meet Our Leadership Team
PASTOR: Rev. Jerry Fourroux Jr.
Rev. Jerry Fourroux is passionate about the message of God’s grace and love in Jesus. He also loves to show people the beauty and the power of Scripture through teaching and preaching. He came to Lycoming Centre Presbyterian Church in April of 2011. He is graduate of Vanderbilt University and Westminster Theological Seminary. He loves learning about history, football, people, music, beverages, and food.
Jerry and His wife Hesed see themselves as teammates in ministry and life. They have 4 children who all love to be with their church family.
A message from Jerry: “Here at Lycoming Centre, we seek to transforms ourselves and others in Jesus Christ by Enjoying God in worship and experiencing His love, by Telling the Story of Jesus through the Bible and the story that He has written with our lives, and by Bringing Peace by living out the comprehensive human flourishing and blessing our neighbors and community. We would love to have you join us on this adventure of God’s Love and Grace in Jesus. I would love to hear your story over coffee or tea. May the Lord richly bless you.”
Hi, my name is Luke Justice. I’m married to my beautiful wife Alayna and God has blessed us with four wonderful children. I’ve been working in full-time ministry for thirteen years with some part-time and volunteering mixed in. Alayna and I love to make disciples and show hospitality. We are partners not only in our family but also in our ministry.
I love relating to youth and children and helping them discover truth from God’s Word and how it relates to their world today. I enjoy the passion youth and children bring in taking new steps of faith with Jesus. I’m also excited about connecting people to Jesus and to the church. Wherever you are in your journey, my goal is to help you grow closer to Jesus, fulfill His mission for your life, and help you become a disciple who makes disciples! Blessings, Luke
My name is Sue Koch. I grew up in this community and have been a member of this church for over 50 years as were my Parents and Grandparents. Most of you know me from my ministry in Adult and Children’s choir and Junior High Sunday School. I have been here long enough to now be mentoring my former kids’ kids. Recently God has called me to a new outreach as The Bridge Events Coordinator. This position has been established to introduce and expose
others to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through unique and creative methods. Jerry asked us to explain why this particular ministry is exciting to us. I am excited and privileged to be part of this next step and growth in the life of LCPC. I am fully aware of the responsibility this position holds and therefore I am counting on your, support, time, prayers and ideas to enable me to carry it through. I’d love to have you join this adventure along with me. Hugs and Love, Sue
I am Connie Vitolins, a Child of God who is wife to Harry, mother to Christopher Seville and Lauren Kline and Nana to Cason Kline. Through my years at LCPC I’ve taught Sunday school, served as General Treasurer, Benevolence Treasurer, Family Promise Coordinator and am currently the Outreach Coordinator. Prior to becoming a church member in 1991, I had reluctantly accepted an invitation to attend a Lay Witness Mission weekend at LCPC. As a result I started to attend a Woman’s Sunday school class. It was during that Woman’s Sunday school class that I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. I will forever be grateful to the Lord for His orchestration in using others to bring me to Himself. This is why I am excited to see the ways in which Jesus will use YOU, and me, to fulfill His Great Commission stated in Matthew 28:19 to “…go and make disciples…” I invite you to join together with us, the Outreach team, in serving our community and in helping others grow in their relationship with Christ. Blessings, Connie
WORSHIP COORDINATOR: Brenda Terry-Manchester
Greetings! I am Brenda Terry-Manchester and have been at Lycoming Centre for approximately 19 years. My husband George and I have raised three daughters, Morgan, Meredith and Maggie. All three are members of Lycoming Centre as well as Morgan’s husband, Josh and Maggie’s fiancé, Alec. Mentioning the family necessitates mentioning our beloved dog, Martin. My background, from as long as I can remember, was saturated with Christian music of all forms. My passion for demonstrative worship and the help of many revered role models motivated my further investment in worship leadership prior to attending Lycoming Centre. Fast forward to now, I continue to be excited about worshiping the King and testifying to the truth of the gospel through music, technology, and other demonstrative forms of worship. As Worship Coordinator, I am also blessed to have an amazing team of musicians, technicians, choral leaders, and worship service details point persons. I ask for your support and prayers as we move into a new era of worship and reaching our community from the hub that we call Lycoming Centre. What we have been called to do will permeate our entire lives and bear fruit in unforeseen places. Blessings, Brenda