Bridge… a structure connecting two sides and providing passage for crossing one side to the other. This definition describes what we as a Bridge Team prayerfully seek to do.
By planning events in our community, it is our goal to help people cross over the bridge from unbelief to a knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Our first Bridge Event in June 2020 will be to host a picnic for the residents in Cowden’s trailer park. We may once again participate in the Mummer’s Parade. Our biggest event of the year will be the Living Nativity.
There are many, many volunteer possibilities for each of these events!
Sign up sheets will be available for all outreaches as the date draws near or see any of us on the Bridge Team:
Tim DeRemer, Jeff and Lin Baier, Carol Prentiss, Ron Guinter, Carla Rhone, Betty Diparlo and Sue Koch.
We would love new input for all our events so if you would be interested in joining our team or serving in an event we would welcome you!
Team Leader: Sue Koch
Email: peterbkoch@zitomedia.net